Ionic association in electrolyte solutions:
A Voronoi Polyhedra analysis
J.C. Gil Montoro and J.L.F. Abascal
Voronoi Polyhedra (VP) analysis of ionic solutions generated via
Monte-Carlo simulations for a wide range of concentrations and ionic
charges are reported. The properties investigated are the VP volumes,
VP surface shared with unlike/like-ions and VP non-sphericity
configurational mean values distributions. The study shows that high
concentrations favor a molten salt-like structure while low
concentrations tend to disrupt such ordering so small aggregates are
more likely. The degree of separation between these forms is strongly
determined by the charge of the ions. In the limit of low
concentrations/high ionic charge, small clusters with some chain-like
character are present which anticipates several features characteristic
of the low density liquid-gas transition of the restricted primitive